Sunday, May 27, 2012

Light from the Lamp : A touching moment

**This is a long post, you may not feel like reading it.
    If you do, I hope it touch your heart like mine was... **

I had lots to post about my posting but this must come first even though the line is damn slow!

This happened today, this morning.
I'm now in O+G ward. My friends over the labour room ask us in the ward to go over there as a mother just delivered and there is a fresh placenta to observe.

As my CI was off today, we approached the senior Staff Nurse Midwife, SN Kalai, to explain to us about the placenta's features.
As the teaching ends, she started with a casual conversation.

She was saying that how we grow from sem by sem, gaining respect as we step higher each semester with more and more responsibilities over the shoulder.
It was destined, she said, that we will one day graduate and work in the wards.

She continued that there are certain things that cannot be avoided.
For example, the fact of being bullied by seniors in workplace.
As students, we know what is it like because, we were too sometimes being asked & expected to do more than we can take; being scolded for what we do not deserved.

She said that many junior SNs undergo such experience and she too once experience much worse, even in her student years..

Then she utter the words that really deeply touch my heart..
It goes somewhat like this :
"It's fine the way how they treat me, I become a better self. But I tell myself, I must not be like them.
I have gone through it, and I dont want to be like them"

At that time, I was like holding back myself, trying to stay calm..
Those simple words, really meant a lot..
Some of my others friends just burst into tears as we felt her, and I guess many nurses too felt the same..

"No one dare to voice up, they keep into themselves. They ended up being less confident, lack of interest and just couldn't face the problem. who suffers in the end? The patient!"
She advised us to take things in a positive way "it makes a better me"...

This is the lesson that I will forever remember!!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

"Refer ENT lah"

So, I was diagnosed with Allergic Rhinitis by my Consultant ENT Surgeon, Dr. Gopalan..
I was having a very bad case of runny-nose yesterday, as if my nose is giving an IV infusion...

So my CI, Ms Mazu ordered me to consult the MO and hopefully be refered to the ENT..
Full story >>Here<<

And so I was given 2 medications..

Aerius - Desloratadine - antihistamine to reduce inflammation & congestion of the mucosa lining

Avamys - Fluticasone Furoate - anti infammatory & nasal decongestion to reduce swelling of nasal mucosa

Allergic Rhinitis a collection of symptoms, mostly in the nose and eyes, which occur when you breathe in something you are allergic to, such as dust, dander, insect venom, or pollen.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

All over for this sem!

Practical Exam - DONE -

Terminal Exam - DONE -

Finally, it's all over for this sem!
Really a great stress..

Well, now it's time to rest for posting session!

I'm going to Labour Room, Nursery, Paeds Ward and Urologist's Clinic!
Much fun awaiting!

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Pic taken by patient's relative

Really appreciated that they approached us (the student nurses) and asked for advice, as the surgeon was busy to give a full explanation.
That really made us felt that our presence was indeed appreciated and helpful..